Words That Grow Wings -

Choice Not Chance

At times, we look at parts of our life with regret. If only we did this instead of that. What purpose do regrets serve? None, is my answer

Life is most of all about discovery, an education. It offers lesson after lesson. Trouble is - we are too self-absorbed to know we are participating in a first-hand education. What is happening at any moment is always part of the lesson plan.

Part of this discovery process – this education is learning how to refrain from taking life and its vagaries personally. We need to stop and rise above any problem. We need to look at problems - or rather challenges objectively, without favor or prejudice. When we get to this understanding and acceptance, we are in control. We dictate the terms, and accept the effect — or not, by choice - not chance.

Some of us must go back to the same lesson repeatedly before we get it — before we see challenges objectively, and respond to them effectively.

Life is most of all about discovery, an education.

Life is about finding our place. To do this requires an education. The road we take to arrive at our place provides a complete education. When we get there, we should be able to look back at our life with understanding — not regrets. With considered detachment, and our earned understanding, we recognize that the choices and decisions we made at each milestone were the right ones based on who and where we were at that 'Fork in the Road.'

Who we were when we made that decision is not who we are today. The choices we made were the best available based on who we were, and circumstances of the time. We would not have made them otherwise. We kept moving forward, paying our dues, and learning along the way.

Who we are, where we are, and the environment we are in when we make the choice or decision are interdependent. We cannot isolate who we are from our environment – our circumstances. We are a composite of all that has gone before, and a work in progress. When we arrive at the point of being objective to our self — to our life, we find our place, and accept it. It is the road we chose to get where we are today. The place that feels like home.
