
Barbara's Bio —


Barbara was born curious and thanks to that leads an interesting and varied life. For her ninth birthday, she received the gift of a typewriter from her professional photographer uncle who also taught her how to use a camera. She wrote a play for her fifth grade class which the school published in their monthly periodical. It was the start of a long and rewarding relationship with the written word.

Writing and photography became a central theme in her life.

For a number of years, Barbara worked as a writer and editor for business publications, and wrote a syndicated column on ‘Women in New Roles --- WINR’. When the personal computer came on the scene, she acquired one of the first’ PCs ‘ever offered for sale. Her knowledge of the early ‘PC’ opened a new landscape of opportunities, and she entered the field of finance.

Later, she moved from New York to Florida and started a new career in the field of Real Estate. With a well-honed background in computing, finance, writing, editing and photography, she became a successful broker.

Barbara continued to hone her photographic skills. She wrote a newspaper column, and published several articles on photographic topics. Curiosity is still at the core of her being, and writing and photography continue to be an anchor in her life.

Barbara, attracted by a compelling subject, decided to write a book. The subject is irony, and in researching it, she discovered a world of contradiction, humor, pathos and perspective. It makes an interesting, entertaining, and insightful read.

'The Irony Effect’ is Barbara’s first book. She hopes you enjoy reading it, and please share your thoughts with her.

Barbara Bio
Barbara Middleton —
author of 'The Irony Effect'

"Get in touch with your soul, for your soul knows the path to your destiny."

"Our choices, not our abilities, define our life."

"Happiness is a natural reaction to unselfishness-it is a contagious emotion. And that is a contagion worth contracting."

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